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NCO rehearsal dates Autumn term 2024. 12 sessions

September. 10:17:24

October. 1:8:15: 20 concert (22 after concert and 27 half term -no rehearsals)

November. 5:12:18:26

December. 3:10


Autumn Concert

St Cuthbert’s Church

Pateley Bridge HG3 5LQ

Sunday 20th October 2024 6.00pm

Featuring a performance of The Land of the Mountain and the Flood by Hamish MacCunn


Soirees Musicales - Britten

Humoureske Op 101 - Dvorak

La Calinda - Delius

The Land of the Mountain and the Flood - MacCunn


Symphony No 101 ‘The London’ - Haydn